Discover the energetic map revealed in your Human Design chart, with

1:1 sessions + a bespoke guidebook of detailed insights —

thus begins a process of embodying the innate wisdom of your truest, aligned self.



People-pleasing has become second nature — an ingrained pattern of muscle memory. You’re familiar with “boundaries” as a buzzword, yet you habitually break promises to yourself. Your jaw feels tense… or is that just you biting your tongue all the time? You’ve lost the plot—disconnected, uncertain, and left wondering, “What do I even want?”

You’re on a quest for purpose, meaning, and self-discovery. Yet despite your efforts, there are moments when you’re dulled by the persistent feeling that you might be wasting your life. Perhaps you’ve experienced an awakening of sorts — a Saturn Return, a mid-life crisis, or another pivotal shift. You copiously consume self-help content, but still feel confused, not enough, and burdened by the belief that the “real you” might be unaccepted.

You settle into soul-depleting jobs and relationships, all while knowing deep down that you’re not living or serving in the way you’re meant to. A quiet, aching belief creeps in: Maybe I’m just not meant to be happy. Still, you sense there’s more — a possibility of living in flow. You keep wondering what it might feel like to truly thrive, an elusive escape that always seems just out of reach.



Human Design calls upon a synthesis of ancient wisdoms (astrology, Chinese I Ching, Judaic Kabbalah, Hindu Chakra System) and modern scientific concepts (quantum physics, biochemistry, genetics), revealing a map to uncover your inherent gifts and purpose that empower you to show up in the world in a way only you can.

You can expect to explore:

+ Decoding your true nature, discovering what motivates and inspires you, and intuitively unlocking more energy.

+ Freeing yourself from the cycle of self-loathing and making peace with every part of yourself, even the shadows you’ve tried to hide or avoid.

+ Feeling more like yourself every day, letting go of the need to pretend to be someone else to be loved + accepted.

+ Making decisions confidently without wasting time and energy on questioning every move.

+ Spending more time doing the things you truly love, simply for the joy of doing them — not for attention or prestige.

+ Cultivating deep, meaningful connections and true intimacy with others.

+ Enjoying the journey of self-discovery rather than feeling like you need to prescriptively “fix” yourself.

+ Devaluing the currency of other people’s opinions that inflict self-doubt.

+ Trusting yourself deeply and knowing you will always have your own back. 

Most importantly, you will get back in touch with a profound knowing in your body, a sense that informs of when you are living as your truest, aligned self.


Being your authentic self is the highest expression of honesty we can practice. What we practice, we ritualize. What we ritualize, we become. When we are not living authentically, we cannot act or make decisions from a place of true integrity. Give yourself permission to be who you are. Taking action from a place of unapologetic alignment will shift what used to be anxiety fueled decisions, instead, become life affirming steps. Aligning with what makes you feel alive enable intentional choices that create conditions for flow.

I know firsthand what it’s like to live a life where my external reality felt painfully out of sync with my inner world. I’m here to help you bridge that gap in a way that is grounded in both mystical insight and real-world application, meeting you exactly where you are.

Human Design can be a powerful language and perspective for making the most out of your one wild and precious life. It opens the doorway to a loving return to yourself. On this courageous path of self-acceptance, I am here as your friend, walking alongside you. My hope is that after our session, you’ll feel a deep sense of recognition —

“Yes, I remember who I am.”

All this time, you were simply walking home.


As a 5/1 Sacral Generator inspired by vision building and problem solving, I will meet you at the heart of the matter to highlight actionable strategies for real-world challenges. I aim to offer nuanced interpretations that will resonate deeply with your current experiences, balancing intellectual understanding with energetic attunement to provide grounded and transformative insights.

In our session, you’ll receive a bespoke, comprehensive guide tailored specifically for you. We will delve into your Human Design by breaking down all aspects through multiple lenses in empowering, digestible language and help you connect with your unique energy.

<Type + Strategy>
Practical guidance on attracting aligned opportunities + navigating life with the least resistance by harnessing the power of your aura.

<Inner Authority>
Key insights for tuning into your inner wisdom and making confident decisions.

Recognize your innate gifts and talents, understanding how they support your growth.

<Profile + Karmic Role>
A deeper understanding of how to trust your gifts and balance them with your life path.

<Incarnation Cross>
A detailed look at the bigger picture of your life’s path and purpose, keeping you grounded and inspired even through challenges.

Gain clarity on your calling and move forward without apology, shame, or guilt.

Trust your inner wisdom and take confident action — recognize self-sabotage and overcome hesitation in the face of challenges.

Develop the courage to honor what’s right for you, even when it feels like the universe is testing you.

The secret to creating miracles in your life does not lie in simply understanding Human Design — it’s about catalyzing that understanding to take action. You don’t need to decipher every detail or overhaul your entire life overnight. Start where curiosity leads you. At your own timing and readiness, this process will require you step out of your comfort zone and address areas where you feel "blocked" or "triggered." Years of conditioning can make these shifts challenging, but you won’t navigate this alone. If you feel stuck along the way, I’m here to support you, helping take the guesswork out of making purposeful changes.

Your personalized guidebook will include affirmations, mantras, playlists, and activities uniquely tailored to support your energy. It is designed to be a treasured resource to help you realign and navigate life with clarity and intention for years to come.

Strengthening the habit of self-trust is the foundation of meaningful change. You’ll gain access to tools and sacred practices that help you realign whenever life feels off course, creating a compounding effect that transforms how you live and thrive.



  • It will help to have a basic, big picture understanding of Human Design, but you don’t need a seasoned fluency. The purpose of our session is to demystify the frequently vague, complex, and inaccessible nature of esoteric subjects — to cut through the noise and translate it into a language that empowers practical steps and solutions for tangible progress in your life.

    The requirements for this session are an open mind, a curious heart, and a willingness to understand what makes you special.

  • I wholeheartedly encourage you to explore as much research and education as feels enjoyable and rewarding!

    This service is designed to help you navigate past the overwhelming rabbit holes of confusing jargon and conflicting advice. Instead of piecing together scattered information from countless sources, this process provides clear and straightforward guidance to help you understand your chart and take meaningful steps toward living your 'design' every day. You’ll gain clarity without feeling stuck in endless loops, while benefiting from insights drawn from my years of studying Human Design and my unique perspective as a 5/1 Sacral Generator.

  • I do not recommend purchasing a session if you do not have an accurate birth time. To get your birth time, you can:

    ◊ Look at your birth certificate
    ◊ Ask a family member
    ◊ Contact the hospital you were born in
    ◊ Hire a Vedic astrologer to do a birth time reconciliation

    I do not recreate or refund sessions that are incorrect due to inaccurate birth data being provided.

  • I make charts based on Traditional Human Design calculations, which is based on Tropical Astrology.

  • Your session and guidebook are a bespoke tailoring which requires time to prepare. Please book our meeting at least 2 weeks in advance.